evidence-based weight loss tips (2021)

Healthy diet & evidence based weight loss tips

Losing weight doesn’t have to involve going on a juice cleanse, taking weight loss pills, or restricting calories. Rather than making drastic changes to your lifestyle, start with minor, sustainable adjustments — this will lead to easier and more long-lasting weight loss. Here are some helpful sustainable weight loss tips that are practical and evidence-based!

Weight Loss Tips

1. Eat More Whole Foods

Whole fruits and vegetables are not only delicious but also helpful for managing weight. According to a study by Monica Bertoia et al., adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet can contribute to weight loss. In their experiment, researchers studied the weight changes of individuals who increased their whole fruit and vegetable intake. Results showed that “[A]n increase in both total fruit intake and total vegetable intake was inversely associated with weight change in all three cohorts” (3). There are many different ways that you can incorporate whole fruits and vegetables into meals. Some options include making green smoothies, salads, stir-frys, and even baked goods with fruits and vegetables. Start bumping up your fruit and veggie consumption today!

2. Eat Balanced Meals

Incorporating protein, fat, and carbohydrates into your meals helps increase satiety levels and aids in weight loss. In an article by A Golay et al., researchers compared the weight changes of participants on a food combining diet (only eating certain foods from the same food group together) and participants on a balanced diet (eating various food groups together). To no surprise, researchers found that total fat weight loss was higher in balanced diets (4). Instead of restricting yourself from certain food groups and going on a food combining, low-carb, or low-fat diet, try adding various food groups into your meals and snacks! Drizzle extra virgin olive oil onto a salad, dip apple slices into a serving of peanut butter, or enjoy chicken and vegetables over a bed of rice. The balanced food combinations are endless!

3. Don’t Restrict Yourself From The Foods You Want

Following dieting habits, such as labelling certain foods as “bad” and only allowing yourself to eat “clean” foods, can actually lead to weight gain. Studies have shown that food restriction leads to increased appetite, greater desire to eat, and significant weight gain. An article by Michael Lowe et al. includes studies that “Suggest that in non-obese individuals, measures of attempts at dietary restriction predict weight gain rather than weight loss and measures of dieting are more robust predictors of this gain than measures of restrained eating” (5). If you feel like eating a donut or cupcake one day, don’t guilt yourself into not eating one! Eating foods that make you feel good physically AND mentally helps with having a good relationship with food, intuitive eating, and, ultimately, managing weight better.

4. Move Your Body

Adding exercise to your daily routine (even without dieting or restricting your calories) can help with weight loss. Any form of exercise, including low-energy activities such as walking or doing yoga, can help improve your physical, mental, and emotional health. In an article by Joseph Donnely et al., the authors studied experiments comparing the weight loss of participants given solely an exercise routine and participants given a calorie limit and an exercise routine. They found that “[W]hen exercise is supervised and the energy expenditure of exercise is of a sufficient magnitude, weight loss from exercise alone surpasses that observed in many very intense behavioural weight loss interventions using energy restriction” (2). In short, aerobic exercise alone resulted in clinically significant weight loss for men and women. There are many different forms of workouts that are easy to do and enjoyable — find one you love and stick with it, even if just for 10-20 minutes a day.

The Bottom Line

Weight loss does not have to consist of restrictive, emotionally damaging, and drastic practices. Making small changes to your lifestyle can help you be happier and healthier. Remember to keep all of these tips in mind during your weight loss journey! They are weight loss tips and reminders to take care of yourself and not be too hard on yourself.


Written by Cameron Kao

Reviewed by Kelly Powers, MA, RDN, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist who takes a holistic approach to nutrition and health. Kelly is a recipe developer with a food blog highlighting whole foods, simple recipes, and her life in San Francisco. She’s the creator of 52 Weeks, a weekly meal plan program that helps users get back in the kitchen and feed themselves well.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I know I should also hydrate, but I don’t like water. How do I drink more water if I don’t like the taste?

A: There are many simple ways that you can add extra flavor to water! Add ice to your water to make it a refreshing, cold drink. Add lemon or lime wedges to your water to add a bit of citrus. Infuse your water with a variety of fruits to add a hint of sweetness. Add cucumber, mint, or basil for a refreshing spa-like drink. Try all of these different variations and see which one you enjoy the most!

Q: How long and how much do I need to exercise to lose weight?

A: A general recommendation for exercise is 30 minutes a day. It is, however, vital that you take care of yourself and exercise for the duration that feels right for you. Make sure that you don’t over-exercise or injure yourself.

Q: How do I stay motivated to keep exercising regularly?

A: Do exercises that make you feel good! Whether it’s hiking, dancing, lifting weights, or running, make sure that you enjoy doing it! Additionally, during workouts, you can turn on your favorite songs or even invite your loved ones (of course, with COVID-19 precautions) to join you!


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