6 proven health benefits of extra virgin olive oil

Olive grove in Italy

Olive oil has been used for centuries by Mediterranean civilizations, namely the Romans and the Greeks. It’s also an everyday ingredient that you can likely find in your pantry or kitchen cabinet. And that’s great! Because olive oil, particularly extra virgin olive oil, has substantial health benefits. It’s rich in antioxidants and polyphenols and has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging properties.

There’s no doubt genetics play a role in ones’ health and life expectancy – and that’s something we simply don’t have control over. We do, however, often have control over our lifestyle and dietary decisions. And they can improve or worsen our risk for chronic diseases.

Today we will discuss 6 health benefits of extra virgin olive oil.

6 Health Benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil:

1. Reduces Blood Pressure

Hypertension is a precursor for many chronic health complications. Current research suggests that olive oil can reduce blood pressure. A 6-month double-blind study was conducted to determine the antihypertensive effect of both a monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) diet supplemented with extra virgin olive oil and a polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) diet supplemented with sunflower oil. The MUFA diet group participants resulted in a 48% reduction in the daily dosage of antihypertension medication, while participants in the PUFA diet reduced their daily medication dosage by only 4% (1). This study proves a diet rich in monounsaturated fat with EVOO can reduce blood pressure and lower the daily dosage of anti-hypertensive medication. Comparatively, a diet high in PUFA provides fewer benefits for maintaining or reducing blood pressure to optimal levels. In the study, male participants consumed 50grams (4 spoonfuls) of extra virgin olive oil, and female participants consumed 30 grams (3 spoonfuls). Try adding 3-4 spoonful of EVOO to your plate to reduce your blood pressure!

2. Improves Skin Health

Extra virgin olive oil provides skin benefits — to soothe, heal, and protect. The polyphenols, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties found in olive oil prevent bacterial growth and accelerate wound healing. According to research, EVOO also provides anti-aging properties that can reduce skin photoaging induced by sun damage (2). The consumption and topical application of EVOO protect against UV radiation because it contains an abundant amount of squalene, a minor component of olive oil. Thus, EVOO's benefits help improve skin health as it is rich in polyphenols, antioxidants, antibacterial, and MUFA properties.

3. Reduces Inflammation

Inflammation is a natural process of the body fighting off and protecting itself from bacteria, toxins, infections, and injuries. Although acute inflammation can be good, an accumulation of inflammation can result in chronic inflammation, which is a driver for many chronic diseases that can last a lifetime, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, joint pain, rheumatoid arthritis, and more. But diet can change that! Adherence to the Mediterranean diet can improve inflammatory biomarkers and decrease the risk of developing chronic inflammation (3). The polyphenol content found in Olive Oil has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce inflammation and fight off unwanted bacterias, infections, and injuries. You can implement dietary changes to reduce inflammation by following the Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra virgin olive oil.

4. Promotes Weight Loss and Weight Management

Extra virgin olive oil is an excellent source of healthy fats and fatty acids that can help with weight loss management. It’s recommended that saturated and trans-fatty acids are reduced or replaced with unsaturated fatty acids for weight loss and overall health. Different types of dietary fats have varying effects on obesity and weight loss management. The chemical and physical properties such as the chain lengths and bonds of fatty acids impact absorption, digestion, transportation, and metabolization. In fatty acid metabolization, fats are either processed in the oxidation or storage pathway, which can influence satiety and appetite (4). Saturated fatty acid and trans-fatty acid have been linked to fat accumulation and obesity. Meanwhile, unsaturated fatty acids, such as polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) and monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA), can suppress appetite while increasing energy expenditure and the fat oxidation rate. You can obtain high amounts of MUFA and PUFA from extra virgin olive oil, which is correlated with weight loss and the prevention of obesity.

5. Helps Reduce Cholesterol

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is known as “bad” cholesterol, and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) is known as “good” cholesterol. Higher cholesterol levels limit blood flow and increase the risk for cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes. Extra virgin olive oil is rich in powerful antioxidants that can reduce cholesterol. “EVOO acts as a hypolipidemic agent and significant decrease of mean total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, serum triglycerides and an increase in HDL cholesterol was observed after olive oil use” (5). Hypolipidemic agents, such as Atorvastatin, are administered to decrease lipid and lipoprotein in the blood to optimal levels. Researchers conducted a randomized controlled study on 60 type II diabetes patients with dyslipidemia, an abnormal amount of lipids (triglycerides, cholesterol, or phospholipids) in the blood. In the 6 week study, participants were divided into two groups. Group one was given 40 mg of Atorvastatin (medication for treating dyslipidemia) at bedtime. Group two received two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil daily. The study results demonstrated that consuming two tablespoons of EVOO effectively reduces plasma lipid levels by 14-25% and increases HDL levels by 8-12% (5). EVOO is a natural remedy that you can use to reduce LDL cholesterol and increase HDL levels to healthy levels.

6. Decreases the Risk for Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular disease such as coronary heart disease is one of the top leading causes of death. But consumption of extra virgin olive oil can improve heart health and decrease the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. A research study conducted by Estruch et al. (2013) found that participants with a high risk of cardiovascular disease, who adhered to the Mediterranean diet supplemented with either extra virgin olive oil or nuts, resulted in significantly reduced incidence for cardiovascular disease (6). The two intervention groups, a Mediterranean diet supplemented with EVOO and one with nuts resulted in a 30% reduced risk for cardiovascular events. Participants assigned to the Mediterranean diet supplemented with EVOO consumed 50 grams of EVOO, and those who adherence to the Mediterranean diet with nuts consumed 6 servings of nuts per week. Dietary changes can provide protective effects against cardiovascular diseases by incorporating 50 grams of extra virgin olive oil or 6 servings of nuts per week to decrease cardiovascular diseases.

How to Include Extra Virgin Olive Oil to Your Diet:

  • Consume 3-4 spoonfuls of EVOO daily to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol

  • Apply 3-4 drops of EVOO to your skin for anti-aging and wound healing benefits

  • How to build a Mediterranean diet plate to reduce inflammation, weight loss management

  • Replace packaged snacks with 6 servings of nuts per week

The Bottom Line

Extra virgin olive oil and the Mediterranean diet provide many health benefits. Research suggests that extra virgin olive oil can reduce blood pressure, inflammation, and cholesterol, improves skin health, promote weight management, and decrease the risk for cardiovascular disease. The polyphenols, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, and antibacterial properties in EVOO help improve your overall health by reducing inflammatory biomarkers, blood pressure, lipid levels, and more. Research recommends consuming 3-4 spoonful of extra virgin olive oil and 6 servings of nuts per week can provide health benefits.


Written by Joanna Chen

Reviewed by Kelly Powers, MA, RDN, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist who takes a holistic approach to nutrition and health. Kelly is a recipe developer with a food blog highlighting whole foods, simple recipes, and her life in San Francisco. She’s the creator of 52 Weeks, a weekly meal plan program that helps users get back in the kitchen and feed themselves well. Kelly is also a co-founder of Olivaio.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can extra virgin olive oil replace anti-hypertension medication?

A: No, you cannot use extra virgin olive oil to replace your anti-hypertension medication. It is a natural remedy to help reduce blood pressure, which can be used as a supplementary treatment. Please contact your MD before replacing your medications.

Q: What ingredient can you replace with olive oil?

A: Butter is a saturated fat that can raise LDL cholesterol. Make dietary changes by replacing butter with olive oil. Olive oil is a healthy fat that can enhance the flavor of your meals.

Q: How much extra virgin olive oil consumption does research suggest?

A: Research suggests that 50 grams of EVOO for males (4 spoonfuls) and 30 grams (3 spoonfuls) for females.



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